The Symposium

GOVERNMENT IS UNABLE TO REFORM ITSELF. In our government, all political power has been transferred to a small group of politicians who have proven far more willing to satisfy the demands of powerful and wealthy interest groups than the needs of the People who elected them. Clearly, representative democracy alone does not provide for sufficient participation by We, the People, in our own government.

The Democracy Foundation is concluding a decade-long effort to define a fundamental solution to these problems in governance. The culminating event of this effort is taking the form of a two and one-half day symposium featuring eminent constitutional and political science scholars and experts on governance from Harvard, Yale and other prestigious institutions. These panelists will address the constitutional questions associated with, and the political ramifications of, bringing the People into the operation of government as lawmakers in a partnership with their elected representatives, at the national level and in every state and local government jurisdiction in the United States.

If the members of society are to mature politically, the People must take responsibility for setting public policy. Until the People are fully and directly involved in their own governance and are able to exercise real power, the political climate necessary to successfully resolve fundamental social issues in this country will not exist. The ultimate product of this Democracy Symposium will be a final draft of the first-ever amendment to the U.S. Constitution enacted directly by the People.

The registration fee is $600.

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